Webinar: The Fundamentals of Satellite Communications
Presenter: Norsat’s Customer Service Engineer Rodrigo Aguilar
Date: June 9th 2020, 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM (Pacific Time)
Satellite communications form the bedrock of modern connectivity. Satellite technology is used extensively by global enterprises, news broadcasters and government services, which require timely and reliable access to data anywhere in the world to carry out essential operations and reporting, especially in remote environments and challenging applications.
In this webinar, Norsat’s Customer Service Engineer Rodrigo Aguilar will cover the basic principles of satellite communication, where you will learn key concepts about satellite systems, including:
• What is a satellite and why do organizations need a satellite communication system? • How does a satellite communication system work? • Frequency types and bands used • Components and configurations of a satellite communications system • Considerations for selecting SATCOM hardware and servicesThis webinar is ideal for anyone looking to increase or refresh their knowledge base about satellite communication. Understanding the fundamentals can help organizations choose a full-service provider and select the right products to meet their communication needs.
Please send your questions, comments and feedback to marcom@norsat.com